Please note: HADNALL VILLAGE HALL is not managed by the Parish Council. For Village Hall information and booking, please click *here*

Please note: HADNALL VILLAGE HALL is not managed by the Parish Council. For Village Hall information and booking, please click *here*
You can find out more about the Council and its proceedings by clicking on the menu headers. If there is something that you are looking for but you can't find it here, please contact the Clerk.
Members of the public are very welcome to attend our Parish Council meetings. There is a public participation session during which questions and suggestions may be raised. Following this, members of the public are welcome to remain as observers. If you are not able to attend a meeting in person, please don't hesitate to contact the Clerk or Councillors with any questions, suggestions or concerns you may have.
Meeting agendas are published on this website and on the notice boards by the pond and by the Village Hall, at least 3 clear days before any meeting.
Parish Clerk - Alison Utting. 1 Cherry Drive, Ellesmere SY12 9PF. Tel: 01691 622093 Email:
Village Hall - Email:
Hadnall Parish Council is elected by the local parishioners and is the first tier of local government, serving the community it represents. Elections to the Council are held every four years and the Council has an allocation of eight seats. At the last election, there were eight nominations and, as a result, the current Councillors were returned unopposed. Click on the "Your Parish Councillors" document below to see who represents you and how to contact them. Originally established by the Local Government Act 1894 the Council’s powers and activities have been increased by many subsequent Acts of Parliament but are now governed by the Local Government Act 1972 together with the Localism Act 2011. The business of Hadnall Parish Council is regulated by the Local Government Act 1972. A minimum of three Councillors need to be present to hold a meeting and form a quorum, voting is by a show of hands or a written ballot if requested. A majority vote by Councillors is required to pass a motion put before the Council, once it has been proposed and seconded. The purpose of Hadnall Parish Council is to work within its statutory powers to maintain and enhance the public amenities within the village and to help the people of Hadnall improve their quality of life by working in partnership with Shropshire Council. Local Councils have powers granted by the Government, including the authority to raise money through taxation. This is called the “precept” and the Council uses this money to provide a range of services which include street lighting, ground maintenance, grants to the village hall and the church etc. The precept can be supplemented by other money raised by the Council, including grants from a range of providers. The precept comes from Shropshire Council. The administration of the Council is handled by the Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer and she is the only paid employee of the Council. Any other service carried out by the Council is contracted to individuals or companies. Council Members are volunteers and therefore do not receive payment. The Council normally meets on the second Monday of every other month, beginning with January. The meetings usually take place in Hadnall Village Hall. The village must also hold an annual Community Meeting. This is separate from Parish Council business but is often organised by the Parish Council. The agendas for forthcoming meetings and the minutes of those that have been held are displayed on the notice boards at the village hall, by the notice tree and on this web site. Parishioners are always welcome to attend these meetings and there is an opportunity to raise issues during the Public Participation item.