Budget and precept

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The Parish Council's precept forms a small part of your total Council Tax bill. Aside from a very small amount of other income, the precept is the only source of funding for the parish council.

Hadnall Parish Council is responsible for local maintenance issues (e.g. some street lights, the play equipment, some trees, grass cutting, etc.) but is not responsible for matters such as highway repairs, bus services, etc. which come under Shropshire Council.

2023-24 budget and precept

At a meeting on the 30th January 2023, the Parish Council agreed their budget and resolved to request a precept of £14631. This represents an increase of £3.59 per year on average Band D Council Tax, less than 7p per week (+10.3%). 

For more information, see the documents below. 

A note about reserves: 

The reserves that the Parish Council currently holds (as at January 2023) are composed of

   a) £42K in earmarked funds received from CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) grants. This money is set aside for particular community projects and cannot be spent on regular (revenue) expenditure.

   b) A general reserve. Financial regulations require the parish council to hold 50% - 100% of its annual budgeted expenditure in general reserves.